During the procedure

Your surgeon will cut several small keyhole openings in the skin near where the surgery will take place. In most cases, a needle will be used to inject carbon dioxide gas into the surgical area. This gas will make it easier for your surgeon to see internal structures. Next, your surgeon will pass a small camera (an endoscope) through one of the incisions. The camera will light, magnify and project an image of the organs onto a video screen. Then, robotic arms holding instruments for grasping, cutting, dissecting and stitching will be inserted through the holes.

While sitting at a console near the operating table, your surgeon will look through lenses at a magnified 3D image of the inside of your body. With joystick-like controls and foot pedals, your surgeon will guide the robotic arms and tools. Lastly, the tools will be removed and stitches or staples will be used to close the area.

After the procedure

You might experience mild pain or slight discomfort during recovery. Your surgeon will give you pain medicine, if needed. You may also feel bloated or have pain in your shoulder from the gas used during the procedure, which can last up to 72 hours.

The da Vinci Surgical System is located at SIH Memorial Hospital of Carbondale. Depending on the procedure, you might be able to go home the same day or stay overnight for a few days.
